ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Manchester & Surrounding Areas

A Layered Defense Is A Smart Strategy

Protecting your property with different security layers is a smart strategy for ensuring the safety of your house. A comprehensive home security system might consist of door and window sensors, surveillance systems, high-def doorbell video, motion-detection lights, and smart door locks. ADP signs and stickers alert potential intruders that these layers exist but they will only be part of a well-rounded system.

Home security signs could be all you need to ward off an uninitiated invader in Manchester, but a single sign in your mulch bed may not scare off a career criminal. If they don't see additional security measures, they could decide the signage is a fake and your house is a suitable target.

November 11, 2021

Do Home Security Signs Deter Intrusion In Manchester?

There's a popular perception that putting signage from a home security company by your front door is all that is needed to safeguard your property. Essentially, a burglar will find "Protected By ADT'' and move on. So why not simply use a home security sign in Manchester and skip a real home security system? Frankly, some think that a security system isn’t the protector, all you need is a home security sign in Manchester. It’s the home security sign that deters intrusion in Manchester not your actual home security system.

While there is a benefit to showing off a yard sign from prominent security companies like ADT®, it isn't enough to dissuade every intruder. Instead, you're better off reinforcing them with some actual security devices. It seems like a smarter and safer plan than simply assuming that your home security signs will deter intrusion in Manchester.

Back-Up Your Manchester Home Security Signs With Actual Protection

Even though home security signs may deter intrusion some of the time, it’s not wise to rely on them as your only form of protection. Alternatively, consider implementing some, if not all of these devices:

● Surveillance systems: To be honest, no burglar wants to be captured on video as it can be used against them in legal proceedings. You should install an outdoor camera system that covers typical access points like your front and back doors, garage, and windows.

● Window and door sensors: Most burglars break into your home by way of doors or windows, so those should be secured by glass break and motion detectors. If a sensor is activated, your integrated home defense will notify you and your 24.7 monitoring professionals.

● Motion-sensor floodlights: While it’s a fact that many invasions happen during the day when residents are working, you also need to protect against nighttime prowlers. Motion-detection lighting located near your access points will quickly highlight nefarious behavior and turn away potential invaders.

● Smart entry locks and doorbell video: Smart locks will inform you whenever an individual makes an effort to engage your entrance. A doorbell video component adds another layer of security by giving you real-time footage. These popular tools both can be accessed by the security app on your phone.

● Smart light bulbs: A worthwhile home automation component, smart lights can be customized to a daily plan or activated directly from your mobile device. Smart lights give the impression you are home and effectively discourage prospective robbers.

Get Started On Your Total Home Protection Package

Why take the chance that dummy home security signs will deter intrusion in Manchester when you are able to install an integrated home security system? Call (603) 932-7598 or complete the contact form to request assistance. You can choose from a range of plans at reasonably priced rates or you may configure your system to your needs.